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Retriever Treasure Yard Sale & Environmental Awareness Org


On Campus

Date & Time

August 30, 2017, 11:00 amAug 31, 2017 3:00 pm


Students for Environmental Awareness is hosting Retriever Treasure, a campus yard sale with clothes, school supplies, dorm swag, and more! 

Wed, Aug 30 | 11:00 am - 3:00 pm 
Thurs, Aug 31 | 11:00 am - 3:00 pm 
The Commons, Commons Terrace 

The yard sale will be at the Commons Terrace, located outside the Commons just past the patio with tables and umbrellas overlooking the Quad (currently under construction) and Breezeway. 

You don’t want to miss UMBC’s Retriever Yard Sale! Stop by the Commons Terrace to purchase gently used school supplies, residence hall necessities, clothing, etc. for a low and reasonable price! All proceeds go towards sustaining Retriever Treasure for future years and reducing waste during the year. 

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing, tree, outdoor and nature

Who is Retriever Treasure?

Retriever Treasure is a student run initiative, the student team came together to draft the proposal, won a grant, gained permissions from many campus partners, and organized a large scale donation collection effort during residential hall and apartment move out last year. After placing the items in storage for the summer, they are ready to launch the first ever yard sale!

Why does it matter?

Saving and reusing items helps the environment. All things we buy have many consequences: think about what it takes to extract wood/plastic/etc, manufacture, produce, package, transport and sell goods: it also means to mine, deforest, contaminate water, burn fossil fuels, pollute the air, and pave over ecosystems with unhealthy and harmful factories, mines, and logging in communities of humans and wildlife. Cutting back our consumption and buying used is a huge way to protect a healthier planet for all of us to enjoy.

Take a moment to appreciate and be grateful for all the items you have, consider whether you really need more, and all it took for them to exist, as you pack to come to campus, and consider giving them a new life if you aren't using some of them! Donate back to Retriever Treasure during move out!

How you can help: 

Donate items that you don't need anymore, volunteer to help the Retriever Treasure team, be sure to come to the yard sale, and buy used! 

Take a moment to appreciate and be grateful for all the items you have as you pack to come to campus, and consider giving them a new life if you aren't using some of them! Imagine all the resources that went into it, the farms, the factories, the sweatshop workers, the communities struggling with pollution and mining and deforestation, that made it possible, and make purchases mindfully.