What's greener @UMBC this year? Peace out 2014!
Another year has passed by, and it's time to reflect on how far we have come, and where we will go next. As we innovate new ways to improve UMBC's environmental impact, we have seen more students, faculty and staff join forces to improve our campus, and the planet. Here's a quick glimpse at some of the updates to UMBC's sustainability efforts this year (visit us online to find out more about each initiative!):
What's greener @UMBC this year: 2014?

On top of all that, we can boast this year's new LEED Green Buildings: Performing Arts and Humanities Building and the Apartment Community Center, a new community garden, newly protected forest, Tree Campus recognition, and millions of dollars of investment in lighting/conservation efficiency upgrades. We had large festivals to celebrate sustainability each semester with Harvest Fest and EcoFest. We have gotten hundreds of people to commit to the Green Pledge.

Coming soon:
I'm also looking forward to the New Green Roof on the Administration Building, a greener watershed thanks to much needed repairs to library pond, and the many green upgrades, retrofits, and building in the works!
Sustainability has been repeatedly featured in the Retriever Weekly campus paper:
It's wonderfully exciting to take in the amazing progress we have made, and we hope you'll join our efforts, green your office, invite eco-ambassadors to share their resources and information with all the groups you are a part of on campus! Please join me in thanking and supporting our two interns, ten eco-ambassadors, and everyone who serves on groups and committee devoted to various aspects of campus sustainability.
Way to get involved include:
- enjoying our events
- joining a group that greens our campus
- greening the areas you are a part of
- updating the way you live, work, study, and play
Together we can ensure UMBC has a positive impact on our precious planet, when we are mindful, thoughtful and considerate about our choices.
Wishing you all peace, joy, and gratitude during the holidays and throughout the New Year!
Tanvi Gadhia, Sustainability Coordinator
Tanvi Gadhia, Sustainability Coordinator
Posted: December 18, 2014, 1:58 PM