FEMA releases new National Risk Index (NRI)
Visualize hazards and plan for resilience
The National Risk Index is a new, online mapping application from FEMA that identifies communities most at risk to 18 natural hazards. This application visualizes natural hazard risk metrics and includes data about expected annual losses, social vulnerabilities and community resilience.
The National Risk Index's interactive web maps are at the county and census tract level and made available via geographic information system (GIS) feature services for custom analyses. With this data, you can discover a holistic view of community risk to natural hazards via online maps and data.
The National Risk Index (NRI) is easy to use and can support prioritizing resilience efforts by providing an at-a-glance overview of multiple risk factors. The NRI can assist communities in:
- Updating emergency operations plans
- Enhancing hazard mitigation plans
- Prioritizing and allocating resources
- Identifying the need for more refined risk assessments
- Encouraging community-level risk communication and engagement
- Educating homeowners and renters
- Supporting adoption of enhanced codes and standards
- Informing long-term community recovery
Posted: November 19, 2020, 9:56 AM