April 7: Solve Climate by 2030 Virtual Teach-ins on
Climate Solutions and Justice
Tune into 52 simultaneous,
university-hosted statewide webinars focused on how
ambitious state and local action can put us on the way to solving climate
change by 2030. Faculty in any discipline can access teachers' guides for
facilitating online conversations about these webinars.
April 22: EarthRise Digital Earth Day Earth Day Network is
coordinating a global digital mobilization that drives actions big and small, gives
diverse voices a platform and demands bold action for people and the planet.
Over the 24 hours of Earth Day, EARTHRISE will
include global conversations, calls to action, performances, video teach-ins
and more.
April 22: 24-Hour Webinar on Happiness & Sustainability
Around the Earth
The Sustainable Development
Solutions Network is hosting a 24-hour webinar event on
Earth Day to explore the Sustainable Development Goals through the lens of
well-being and happiness.
Various Dates - Sunrise School
Sunrise Movement
is hosting a series of short online educational programs focused
on the Green New Deal, Movement Building, Organizing During the
Coronavirus, and more.