STARS Factoids and Best Practices: Curriculum and...
This November, the STARS team continues its monthly blog post on facts, trends, and best practices in campus sustainability, based on data submitted by over 125 STARS Participants as of September 2011. With a focus this month on curriculum and innovation, we hope to recognize a job well done and to share ideas and inspiration on advancing sustainability in higher education. In particular, this month’s blog will highlight ER Credit 9: Sustainability Learning Outcomes and the Innovation category as it relates to sustainability-related publications.
Sustainability Learning Outcomes
ER Credit 9 recognizes institutions with sustainability learning outcomes that are associated with program degrees or courses of study.
Did you know?
There is tremendous room for improvement to promote sustainability learning outcomes in higher education. Although three out of four STARS-rated institutions have programs or courses that include sustainability in required learning outcomes, only 26 percent of students are exposed to these courses or programs before they graduate.
Green Mountain College (STARS Gold, July 2011) has a unique Environmental Liberal Arts program that engages all students in the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability. With 23 sustainability learning outcomes, students are challenged to make connections across disciplines to explore sustainability problems from multiple viewpoints.
As part of its program review process, California State Polytechnic Institute, Pomona (STARS Silver, May 2011) reviewed departmental learning outcomes to identify courses with a sustainability requirement. At Cal Poly Pomona, 55 percent of graduates completed programs with sustainability learning outcomes.
Innovation Credits
Innovation credits recognize institutions that are seeking innovative solutions to sustainability challenges and demonstrating sustainability leadership in ways that are not otherwise captured by STARS. We turn our attention this month to sustainability-related publications that are highlighted in the Innovation category.
Did you know?
Out of all STARS-rated institutions, 76 percent submitted one or more Innovation credits. Establishing an innovative sustainability-related publication is one of many ways that institutions are claiming Innovation credits.
Dalhousie University (STARS Silver, August 2011) publishes an online Campus Green Guide that provides sustainable lifestyle and green living resources to the Dalhousie Community. The concept has recently been adapted to suit university campuses in Kenya.
Kankakee Community College (STARS Bronze, January 2011) created The GreenScene, an online quarterly publication in partnership with the Kankakee Daily-Journal. The publication highlights a particular sustainability challenge each quarter, with insights to help identify sustainable solutions.
December’s factoids and best practices will highlight resource conservation practices and campaigns. Please give us your feedback on future STARS data analysis updates by sending your ideas to
Posted: November 8, 2011, 8:49 AM