The Sustainability Office connects UMBC students to various sustainability engagement projects. Graduate and undergraduate students have many opportunities to engage in unique academic enrichment and professional development opportunities. The Sustainability Office wants to empower students to actively participate and take ownership in sustainability topics that are important to them. To help with this strategy we provide a platform for you to showcase your research; furthermore, we connect you with campus/regional projects, conferences, and peer-review publishing opportunities.
Conference & Journal Announcements
Showing items tagged health. Show All
SEA's first-ever collaborative comment!
Semester-long groupwork, research, and writing
This semester, we have taken on a project to submit a comment regarding the EPA's Clean Power Plan Rule (CPPR) released in June. It is the first time our group of over 20 students has come...
Posted: November 30, 2014, 11:29 AM

UMBC is launching an exciting new program: Global Studies!
Development, Health, & the Environment track
UMBC is launching an exciting new program: Global Studies! Development, Health, and the Environment prepares students to identify and analyze the challenges and opportunities posed by economic...
Posted: June 10, 2013, 1:14 PM