Become a Certified Green Retriever Group

Purpose: Similar to The Office of Sustainability’s Green Office Program for staff/faculty, student groups (clubs, athletic teams, and Greek life chapters) can now apply to be a certified green group. The goal is to recognize and reward sustainability leadership, and encourage sustainable behavior change.

Incentive/Reward: Regular marketing support from OoS, OoS Website Feature, Branding for tables, Campus recognition, partnership/ opportunities for collaboration, newsletter features

How to Become Certified: Use this google form to apply!

Check at least 5 boxes to become certified, check 8+ to become GOLD certified. Attach photo or written evidence to your submission for checked action items where possible.

Want to join a group that values sustainability? Check out the Certified Green Retriever Groups listed below:

Be the first group to achieve certification! Apply with this google form  , and email with any questions.