REduce REuse & REcycle during move out: donation day/ecycle
Resources and information to reduce waste during move out.
Donation Day:
Donation Day on Sunday, May 18th.
Donation Day is an event sponsored by the Residential Life Office and the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) where current UMBC students may drop off unwanted items that are in good condition at two drop off locations on campus. All items donated items will go to the Goodwill.
This year the two drop off locations are:
1. Terrace Circle in Terrace Apartments
2. Between Chesapeake and Erickson Halls by University Health Services.
All students who donate items will get free pizza and will be entered to win one of two larger prizes.
Click here to learn more about what you can donate, times, and who to contact!
Bulk Furniture:
For things you cannot donate: bulk item/furniture dumpsters are set up, and the items listed above can be placed there and Facilities will donate them to the loading dock for reuse. There will be 12 dumpsters , one or two at each community/ res hall. Bulk drop off will be located next to dumpsters where there is room.
Electronics Recycling:
Also, each residence hall lobby and the community center has a blue plastic bin labelled "electronics recycling'.

Food Donations:
The police department will be collecting non- perishable food items and setting boxes where electronic collection containers are located.Good luck with move out and finals!!
Posted: May 16, 2014, 3:25 PM