Campus Composting Expanded!
Are you up to date with the latest on campus composting?
UMBC is excited to announce the expansion of compost collection on campus! You've likely already noticed a few new compost bins around our dining facilities. This is part of our effort to increase the amount of organic waste we are diverting from the landfill. UMBC has historically had a composting program in True Grit's and the Commons, but due to recently passed State legislation and renewed interest from students, we are increasing our efforts. A lot of the groundwork can be attributed to our dedicated students who have been working hard to expand compost over the past few years.
New compost collection bins were added around campus in the areas with the most food consumption, including the University Center, Administration Cafe, Albin O. Kuhn Library, and outdoor areas with picnic tables such as the Commons Terrace, RAC patio, and University Center. We are relying on the entire UMBC community to help us make our program successful! Ensuring that the correct items are composted is of the utmost importance. Contamination of compost bins with just a few other items (trash and recycling) will result in the whole container of compost going into the trash instead. It could also result in significant fees to UMBC, preventing us from doing more around campus!
To keep composting as simple and straightforward as possible, we are asking that all food scraps are composted. This includes meat and dairy products, coffee and tea grounds, vegetable scraps, leftovers, and waste food parts from meal preparation (peels, eggshells, stems, and more). The following items should NOT go into compost bins: metal, glass, and plastic. Remember, recycling has its own container, and above all, when in doubt, throw it out!! If you're unsure, the safest bet is to put it in the trash.
We appreciate the many campus stakeholders who have come together to make this initiative possible! Thank you to Facilities Management, Auxiliary Services, UMBC Dining, Chartwells, ABM, and our community members who have served as advocates for composting for many years! If you would like to get involved with volunteering to help make our compost program a success, contact our Office of Sustainability ( If you would like more information about composting and zero-waste projects on campus, check out our composting webpage.
Posted: February 23, 2024, 8:50 AM