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America Recycles Day!

America Recycles Day was created in recognition of the importance and impact of recycling on American prosperity and protection of the environment. An EPA study found that recycling and reuse activities in the United States accounted for 681,000 jobs and $37.8 billion in wages. 

UMBC is happy to celebrate America Recycles Day! Join us in the celebration by helping our campus reduce contamination entering our waste streams. 

When we place an item in the recycling bin that cannot be recycled that is considered contamination. Contaminated recycling streams cause tons of recycling to be sent to the landfill because it is too expensive to sift through highly contaminated recycling.

UMBC is home to a single-stream recycling program, where paper, glass, plastic, and aluminum are collected together in the same bin.

Below are some ways you can learn more how to recycling to celebrate America Recycles Day: 

Posted: November 15, 2021, 9:13 AM