What You Can Do

UMBC’s vision for sustainability is inclusive of all people at all levels of their careers. The Office of Sustainability works with all Retrievers to design and promote initiatives that resonate with YOU and where you are in your sustainability journey. Sustainability programs are designed to appeal to students, faculty, and staff. Some programs are geared toward one demographic or another group on campus while other programs are intentionally designed to foster collaboration among all stakeholders.

All Retrievers

Apply - Undergraduate Admissions - UMBC

  • Explore A Sustainable Campus

  • Get Involved with Sustainability

  • Go Zero Waste


New U.S. News Rankings Honor UMBC Strengths In Teaching, Innovation, And Inclusion - UMBC: University Of Maryland, Baltimore County

  • Work and learn with your peers as Eco-Ambassadors

  • Residential Composting for your residence hall

  • Academic & Career Sustainability Opportunities

Faculty & Staff

Grounds Maintenance – Facilities Management - UMBC

  • Green Department Program

  • Green Labs Program

  • Sustainability Functions at Work


Show Upcoming


Stream Maintenance

Removing English ivy and trash from Herbert Run


The Commons : Outside Yum Shoppe

Date & Time

March 11, 2016, 3:30 pm5:00 pm


We will be removing invasive species that kill trees and other beneficial organisms in the riparian zone as well as removing litter from the greenway around Herbert run. Please bring clothes you...


Environmental Mingle

Have snacks and discuss the environment!


The Commons : Outside Yum Shoppe

Date & Time

March 11, 2016, 3:00 pm3:30 pm


We will be discussing the successes of the Environmental Task Force so far this semester. We will have brownies and other snacks. Feel free to bring fruits, vegetables, snacks, and environmental...