Preparing for your Certification

Before taking the Green Office Program Assessment the the Sustianability Office recommends the following:

  1. Secure office leadership’s support and buy-in
  2. Gather up your green team
  3. Collect the supporting materials and information you may need
  4. Set aside 30 mins to complete the assessment


Generate Checklist

The following questions are only applicable to departments with Instructional Faculty: 

  1. Faculty in the department include information about Retriever Essentials on their syllabus for students?
    • If the answer is SOME, supply the following information:
      • An estimate of the percentage of faculty who do include this information
  2. Faculty encourage student researchers to submit their projects to the Sustainability Matters Student Research Dashboard”
    • If the answer is YES, supply the following information:
      • Briefly describe how your department encourages students to submit their projects
  3. Faculty members are actively engaged in including sustainability curriculum within their courses
    • If the answeris YES, supply need the following information:
      • Briefly escribe the efforts to incorporate sustainability into the curriculum