Sustainability Hackathon "Sustaining Disruptions"
Open to UMBC students hosted by JHU
October 22, 2021 – Oct 24, 2021 (All Day Event)
GreenHacks, JHU’s first sustainability focused hackathon group, is inviting you to join registration for their upcoming hackathon, Sustaining Disruptions, is now open! Sustaining Disruptions will take place in a hybrid format the weekend of October 22nd-24th at JHU's Homewood campus and FastForwardU. Any college or grad student in Baltimore is more than welcome to join us for a fun weekend filled with collaboration, innovation, and lots of cash prizes!
GreenHacks is JHU’s first sustainability focused hackathon. Thier mission is to inspire individuals from different academic and personal backgrounds to collaborate on solving sustainability issues. This year, our theme is titled Sustaining Disruptions. The year 2020 has disrupted each of these pillars in the form of a world-wide pandemic, the BLM protests, the Presidential election, and a sleuth of natural disasters. Although these events have brought about negative consequences, they have also sparked conversation and opportunities for change.
This year’s hackathon will honor these disruptions and actively seek to address these challenges through 3 different tracks: natural disasters,environmental justice, and sustainable living spaces. The format of the hackathon will be hybrid with virtual and an in-person optional at FastForwardU over the weekend of October 22-24. Their proposed solution to the hackathon track can be completely code-free, like a business proposal, engineering design, new legislative act, a combination of each or something entirely different! There will be speakers, workshops, and knowledgeable judges.
Aside from all the free swag and food, the top three scoring hackathon teams will earn $500!!
This year, GreenHacks is opening participation in the hackathon to all college students (undergraduate or graduate) in the Baltimore area! GreenHacks is looking forward to working with you and your institution!
Students can register here:
To learn more about GreenHacks, visit:
Instagram: @greenhacksjhu