CURC Presents - A virtual Food Waste & Compost Workshop
Food Waste Reduction, Recovery & Composting on Your Campus
Date & Time
October 15, 2020, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
The College and University Recycling Coalition (CURC) is partnering withAASHE, the US Composting Council, and the Center for Ecotechnology to host a special extended virtual session on organic waste!
About 1/3 of all the food produced globally is wasted, consequently contributing about 6% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Fortunately, there are a multitude of opportunities to reduce food waste, recover it to feed people and divert it from our landfills and incinerators. CURC’s extended webinar will follow the EPA’s food waste hierarchy to highlight ways campuses can reduce first, rescue where safe and then recycle into valuable compost material.
Sessions & Presenters
Nishu Hosamane- "Student led Food Recovery Network", University of Maryland College Park
Nishu Hosamane- "Student led Food Recovery Network", University of Maryland College Park
Garret DiStefano & Kathy Wicks- "Holistic food waste reduction in Dining" University of Massachusetts Amherst
Beth Mackenzie- "Composting in Residence Halls", University of Iowa
Finally, the event will end with some virtual break-out rooms, one of the most popular sessions in our workshops! Come join us to network, share ideas, problems and brainstorm together on topics like COVID19 Responses on Campus, Hauler and Processor Challenges and much, much more...