Celebration in honor of GES chair Sandy Parker, Thurs, Dec 8
On Campus
Date & Time
December 8, 2016, 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Celebration in honor of Sandy Parker, Thursday, Dec. 8
Please join us on Thursday, Dec. 8 to celebrate the career of Dr. Eugene "Sandy" Parker. Dr. Parker is retiring from UMBC after 36 years of distinguished service.
Dr. Parker was UMBC's first Presidential Teaching Professor, a leader in the establishment of UMBC's Conservation and Environmental Research Areas (CERA), past president of the Faculty Senate, and served for 10 years as chair of the Department of Geography & Environmental Systems.
He has also served as a co-chair of the Climate Change Task Force and the chair of the Research and Education Work Group of the Climate Change Task Force.
As a colleague, friend, and mentor to many past and present UMBC faculty, staff and students, he has played a key role in the life of the university for nearly 40 years.
The celebration will be held on on the 7th floor of the Library. Please RSVP to Robin Schmidbauer, schmidba@umbc.edu by Dec 1st.