Climate Symposium & Beautiful Earth: NASA/JCET/UMBC EARTH WK
Climate communicated through music, art, research, lectures,
On Campus : UC Ballroom
Date & Time
April 20, 2015, 12:30 pm – 6:00 pm
The UMBC Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology and the UMBC Sustainability Working Groupinvite the campus community to a symposium focused on communicating the results of scientific climate investigations. A panel of noted climate researchers will contribute their knowledge of Earth's climate a discussion prompted by questions from the broader UMBC audience. This Communicating Climate symposium also celebrates the integration of art and science with renowned musician and composer Kenji Williams who will perform the multi-media presentation, “Beautiful Earth.”
12:30 PM Registration & Poster Setup
1:00 PM UMBC Speaker, Welcoming Remarks
1:30 PM Climate Panel: Moderator: Joe Witte, NASA/GSFC Climate Communicator
Dr. Terri Adams-Fuller (Howard Univ.)
Dr. Antonia Gambacorta (STC)
Dr. Thorsten Markus (NASA GSFC),
Dr. Steve Platnick (NASA GSFC)
3:00 PM UMBC Sustainability Working Group
3:30 PM Kenji Williams “Beautiful Earth”
5:00 PM Posters & Reception
6:00 PM Dr. Belay Demoz, JCET Director, Closing Remarks
About Beautiful Earth:
NASA is bringing Beautiful Earth to UMBC on April 20th at 3:30pm!
Attenddees will explore the relationship between human civilization and our ecosystem through time and space in an event called "Beautiful Earth" that combines music, amazing satellite imagery and visualizations. Composer Kenji Williams couples awe-inspiring NASA satellite imagery with innovative violin and electronic melodies in his "Bella Gaia" program. The show focused on the water cycle and featured video of American Indians from the Ottawa and Chippewa tribes undertaking a "water walk," a sacred ceremony that celebrates the connections between water and life.