AASHE Webinar: Zero Waste Goal Setting
Qualitative vs. Quantitative & the Challenges with Diversion
AASHE Webinar: Zero Waste Goal Setting – Online Event
Date & Time
April 27, 2022, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
While diversion has been the go-to metric for evaluating our waste reduction efforts, it skips over several levels of the waste reduction hierarchy, resulting in the prioritization of recycling and composting rates over source reduction and aversion. During this session, we will discuss other options for benchmarking and tracking progress towards a holistic campus-wide zero waste system and what it means to develop a campus-wide approach to sustainable materials management. We will review other ways that campuses (like Boston University and the University of California system) have set goals for zero waste by measuring and tracking aversion, waste-per-capita, and waste by material category.
We will also review case studies from two campuses who have recently gone through the process of engaging campus stakeholders in visioning sessions to restructure and redesign the campus approach to zero waste through qualitative goal-setting - Colby Sawyer College and Williams College.
This interactive session will walk you through the steps to creating a Roadmap to Zero Waste specific to your campus, and lay out the different options for campus-wide goal setting. We’ll address the key pieces involved in developing a plan including materials management infrastructure, stakeholder input, procurement policies and bin standardization, identifying existing initiatives and determining opportunities for improvement. In addition, we will discuss how to determine which projects to prioritize, garnering administrative support, and ensuring that your plan encompasses realistic goals for your campus.
We will also review case studies from two campuses who have recently gone through the process of engaging campus stakeholders in visioning sessions to restructure and redesign the campus approach to zero waste through qualitative goal-setting - Colby Sawyer College and Williams College.
This interactive session will walk you through the steps to creating a Roadmap to Zero Waste specific to your campus, and lay out the different options for campus-wide goal setting. We’ll address the key pieces involved in developing a plan including materials management infrastructure, stakeholder input, procurement policies and bin standardization, identifying existing initiatives and determining opportunities for improvement. In addition, we will discuss how to determine which projects to prioritize, garnering administrative support, and ensuring that your plan encompasses realistic goals for your campus.