Women in Energy Free Virtual Panel Discussion
Duke University Energy Initiative
Women in Energy Free Virtual Panel Discussion – Online Event
Date & Time
April 6, 2022, 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Join Duke University’s Center for Energy, Development, and the Global Environment (EDGE), Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, and Energy Initiative for an evening focused on Women in Energy*.
Register Today: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-in-energy-tickets-300796810357
The energy industry is in the midst of reinvention right now as it wrestles with geopolitical turmoil, mandates to decarbonize, energy justice considerations, and workforce transitions. Companies across the sector are thinking about how to engage the best and brightest minds on these topics while also creating a workforce that is more diverse and inclusive. During this conversation, we’ll talk with Duke alumni who have several different vantage points on the sector. What have their career journeys been like? What is exciting and challenging about working in the energy sector? What skills should students and young professionals cultivate in order to be successful? And, what can executives of all genders do to encourage professional development and mentoring in the industry?
Virtual Option:
This panel will be live-streamed from 4:30-5:30pm ET and open to guests of any gender, including Duke alumni, other energy professionals, and students at other universities.