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REPOST: Change Makers Dinner (RSVP Required)

Meet local leaders addressing environmental sustainability

Cross-promotion from this original event link. The Office of Sustainability is excited to be a co-sponsor of this event!

UMBC students, faculty, staff, and alumni: Join a conversation about environmental sustainability. 

Meet local leaders (to be announced) and learn about their work, aspirations, and challenges, and how you can get involved. You will have the opportunity to hear from several change makers and spend time in small groups interacting with them and other participants.

To RSVP, follow this link

Because we cannot meet in person, this is a bring-your-own dinner event.

This event is hosted by the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Center for Democracy and Civic Life in partnership with UMBC’s Office of Sustainability.

Posted: January 25, 2021, 12:53 PM