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Introducing STARS Factoids and Best Practices

With the arrival of two new staff members this summer, the STARS team has taken on the task of identifying new ways to utilize data submitted by over 125 STARS Participants to date. Beginning in October, we’re excited to share our findings through regular blog posts and updates on facts, trends, best practices, and areas for improvement. By sharing this information, we hope to recognize a job well done and also share ideas and inspiration on areas of sustainability that may be more difficult to attain.

October’s factoids and best practices focus on two topics within the Operations and Planning, Administration, & Engagement categories: OP Credit 5: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction, and PAE Credit 11: Sustainable Compensation.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
Did you know?

Out of all institutions that submitted for a STARS rating, over 82 percent have reduced their net greenhouse gas emissions per weighted campus user compared to a 2005 base year. However, there is still plenty of room for improvement. Only seven institutions have reported cutting greenhouse emissions by at least 50 percent.

  • The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (STARS Silver, August 2011) reduced Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 12.6 percent between 2005 and 2010. The reduction results from many efforts including an aggressive building recommissioning program, It All Adds Up energy conservation campaign, and greater emphasis on district cooling strategies.
  • The University of California, Los Angeles (STARS Silver, August 2011) has been an early actor in achieving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Since 1990, emissions have stayed relatively flat despite a 40% growth in campus square footage. This translates in a 26 percent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions per square foot since 1990.

Sustainable Compensation
Did you know?

Out of all institutions that submitted for a STARS rating, nearly 90 percent have taken proactive steps to ensure that their lowest paid workers earn a sustainable compensation.

  • Eastern Iowa Community College District (STARS Silver, June 2011) conducted a wage assessment for employees using the Living Wage Calculator. Through this tool, the college determined that all fulltime employees were earning above the living wage in the area.
  • At Middlebury College (STARS Gold, January 2011), staff conduct salary surveys on a regular basis to ensure that, on average, jobs pay at the 80th percentile of the labor market. In addition, employee share of medical and dental premiums is calculated on an income-sensitive basis, with lower-paid employees receiving the largest employer-subsidy.
  • Pace University (STARS Bronze, 2011), pays employees a prevailing wage that is above the minimum wage based on analysis of job type and classification. In the midst of an economic downturn, Pace University provided a one-time lump-sum payment to employees identified as lower-wage earners to offset losses from a freeze on the annual merit award.

November’s factoids and best practices will highlight STARS credits in the Innovation and Education & Research categories. In the meantime, we hope to get your feedback on future STARS data analysis updates! Send your ideas to stars@aashe.org.

Posted: October 4, 2011, 11:35 AM