Happy Energy Efficiency Day!
Cut Carbon, Breathe Easy, and Save
Conservation is not glamorous, and most conservation efforts are invisible. Few ever see the high-efficiency chillers, boilers, pumps, and HVAC systems that have been installed to provide the air conditioning and heating for the campus. This equipment is safely out-of-sight in mechanical rooms, underground, on rooftops, or in ceilings. Even in the rare circumstance when such equipment is prominently visible, like the 60-foot tall tank between the Central Plant and Walker Avenue Garage, few know what it is. But even the thermal energy storage unit is cool.
General Facts About Energy Efficiency
· Since 1990, savings from energy efficiency gains have averted the need to build 313 large power plants and have delivered cumulative savings of nearly $790 billion for Americans. (ACEEE)
· Efficiency could provide one-third of total expected electricity generation needs by 2030, avoiding the need for an additional 487 large power plants. Combined with the gains since 1990, savings from energy efficiency could amount to the output of 800 power plants by 2030. (ACEEE)
· U.S. electricity use has remained constant in recent years even as the economy grew, thanks to energy efficiency. (Alliance to Save Energy)
· Reducing annual electricity use by 15% nationwide would save more than six lives every day, prevent nearly 30,000 asthma episodes each year, and save Americans up to $20 billion through avoided health harms annually. (ACEEE & Physicians for Social Responsibility)
Posted: October 2, 2019, 10:12 AM