Weekly Campus Forest Litter Clean Up with ETF
Are you looking to spend more time outdoors, volunteering, and making friends this year?
The Environmental Task Force is a student organization that hosts weekly campus clean-ups to remove litter and invasive weeds from woods and streams!
Some ways to get involved include:
- Involvement Fest: Wed, Feb 6, 12-3 pm in the RAC
- First Meeting: Wed, Feb 13, 12-1 pm in Sondheim 107
- First Clean-up: Fri, Feb 15, meet at 2:45 pm outside the Yum Shoppe in the Commons!
- RecycleMania Fair: Mon, Feb 18th, 12-1pm, Commons Mainstreet

The students organize clean-ups to collect litter from green spaces on campus and remove invasive species that threaten the our environment. The org partners with Facilities Management to provide the tools and gloves, so all that is needed is that you bring yourself, a good set of shoes, and your passion for the environment. Last semester the group collected 1263 pounds of trash from our campus grounds. Join them in hitting their goal of collecting 1 Ton of trash this semester!
Campus clean-ups are held every Friday and all are welcome to join. Meet at 2:45 pm outside the Yum Shoppe and leave at 3pm to the clean up site.
If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth at eeakes1@umbc.edu
To see weekly photos of the volunteers, and total pounds of trash collected each week follow ETF at: https://www.instagram.com/umbcetf/ "
Posted: February 4, 2019, 11:52 AM