Electronics Recycling Drive: Fundraising for student org!
From Friday November 2nd until Friday November 16th, the Environmental Task Force is hosting an Electronics drive in the Commons, with a collection box located near the CIC, Commons Information Center.
Accepted electronics:
- smartphones and cell phones- iPods and iPads- MP3 players and tablets- ANY cords and cables that come with them
If you have any old, broken or outdated electronics lying around, bring them to the box in the Commons, near the CIC. Electronics should always be recycled separately from other recycling, and Baltimore County requires that electronics are recycled to prevent toxic contamination issues in landfills and incinerators.
Proceeds from the drive will support the Environmental Task Force, a student organization which volunteers weekly to pick up litter and remove invasive species in UMBC's green spaces.
To join the volunteer efforts and weekly Friday stream cleanups, meet at 2:45 pm each Friday at the mezzanine stairs and tables outside the Yum Shoppe and head out at 3:00 pm. The group cleans up litter and removes invasive plant species at different areas on campus including forests, trails, and stream beds. Cleanups last approximately 45 minutes, and they encourage you to wear sneakers or boots that you don't mind getting dirty.
If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth at eeakes1@umbc.edu
To see weekly photos of the volunteers, and total pounds of trash collected each week follow ETF at: https://www.instagram.com/umbcetf/

Posted: November 1, 2018, 9:53 AM