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Petition: Make UMBC Take Action on Climate Change

We, the undersigned students, faculty, staff, and community members ask that UMBC commits to take bold and urgent action on climate change by:

1. Cut our greenhouse gas pollution by purchasing 100% renewable energy by 2020 and committing to carbon neutrality by 2040.

2. Invest in renewable energy technology on campus.

3. Prioritize energy and resource conservation when making decisions regarding maintenance & update of existing buildings, and design of any new buildings.

4. Ensure all students have a basic education on climate change and sustainability.

Background document explaining the need and context of our request: https://docs.google.com/a/umbc.edu/document/d/1jm5439qcYli2Iaa7mWo0anGZCqt8yoT4zS4Yju_ft1c/edit?usp=sharing

UMBC campus has the power to be a leader in the fight against climate disaster. UMBC has an ethical duty to push for a healthier, sustainable, and greener future for its current and former students, and the surrounding community it lies in. We, the undersigned, ask for UMBC to be a pioneering and innovative leader in the fight against climate change, just as much as it has shown to be in every other field.

PLEASE SIGN HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjjZPXg3cnjBZFuQVEl32LJ-AaRzvov0EQV6zUVWx8aSeSRg/viewform

Posted: May 1, 2017, 8:11 PM