How to Recycle & Compost in the Commons!
Happy America Recycles Day!

However, some may be unsure of how to sort waste, beyond the photos represented in the new standard labels at UMBC.

That's why UMBC's eco-ambassadors helped to develop more detailed information about what to compost and recycle on campus:

Why take 3 seconds to sort? Well, did you know:
- UMBC's recycling, composting and landfill bags are color coded? That's why housekeeping is able to collect the bags in one cart: the green bag is composting, the blue bags are recycling and the black are landfill!
Do you see any errors in the way waste is sorted? Contact by email to notify our recycling manager!
Here are some fascinating facts about recycling & composting:
Recycling 1 ton of plastic bottles saves the equivalent energy of a 2 person household for... 1 year
Recycling a 1 aluminum can saves enough energy to power a TV for 3 hours
Making a can from recycled materials rather than raw materials saves how much water & energy? 95%!
Making recycled paper (instead of manufacturing paper from virgin forests) reduces air pollution by 95%
Making glass from recycled material cuts related water pollution by 50%
Recycling 1 glass jar saves enough electricity to run an 11 watt bulb for 20 hours
Making recycled cardboard (instead of new) saves 75% of energy
Posted: November 16, 2015, 3:39 PM