Pics from UMBC's Pig Pen Pond: Science of Water (SCI 100)
Did you know that this peaceful pond is right on campus? It's called Pig Pen Pond.
Back when UMBC's land was used for farming, this was where the pigs would bathe. These Science of Water students are testing various water quality parameters of the pond such as, Nitrates, Phosphates, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, and Fecal Coliform. Although I would not recommend swimming in Pig Pen Pond, it provides a wonderful wildlife habitat. Come check it out and you might get lucky and spot a few turtles!
Water quality is currently a huge concern and UMBC is working to improve our stormwater management practices. It is important that we keep our campus clean and continue sustainable practices here on campus to do our part in this larger issues. To explore trails and ways to explore nature at UMBC click here
Sustainability Matters!
- Kyndal Gehlbach, UMBC Eco-Ambassador and SCI 100 Teaching Assistant
Posted: September 17, 2015, 12:35 PM