Turn Down Tuesdays: The Almighty Green Pledge
Have you heard of UMBC’s Green Pledge?
Once I took the green pledge, I knew I made a public commitment to living green. I found that I was more aware and mindful of my choices and actions, and my impact.
The Green Pledge a short online pledge that helps us think about and commit to simple actions we can take to live more sustainably.
Over 700 UMBC students, staff, and faculty have taken it! With 700 people taking these small steps, our actions can really add up. For example, since 60% of UMBC’s CO2 emissions come from energy use, our individual choices to turn off the lights and not blast AC can add up to make a real difference.
Take the Green Pledge here! I promise it will take less than 3 minutes.
Posted: May 5, 2015, 3:15 PM