Calling all present and past SEAers: ecofest staff needed!
You get your own tshirt! Tie-died and Stenciled. Read inside
Hey awesome SEA peeps!
Last meeting was great. We had an activity, updates, and in workgroups we worked on Retriever Treasure and EcoFest. Our next meeting will the THE MOST IMPORTANT MEETING before EcoFest!
EcoFest is our way of celebrating
Earth Day: the one day of the year where you can celebrate being outside
and loving the earth and all its creatures :).
Next meeting:
12:05 - Icebreaker
12:10 - EcoFest advertising: Stickers, Posters, Cards, Class Raps, we have it all! And will distribute to you guys! This is our big week to promote EcoFest!
12:15 - Ecofest rundown: We will go over everything we need to make this happen -- including making our tshirts!
12:25 - Updates: This is a time for everyone to bring up anything you would like to discuss or see get done!
12:35 - Advertise! At the end of the meeting, we will all start putting up fliers (spreading the EcoFest joy) together!SEA
does this event every year, and for it to be a success, we need
everyone to volunteer if they can. We will be making wonderful stenciled
shirts only for volunteers, so make sure to sign up!
Please fill out this googledoc with times you can volunteer, as well as your t-shirt size. I
have filled in the names and emails (as well as I could read them) of
those who signed up. I also put X's in the columns of the events you
wrote down. Please go in and change the X's to the times you are
available. Feel free to change which events you want to help out for,
including adding your name to events you didn't originally write down.
Here is a run-down of what's coming up:
Campus Activities Fair: This event is a way to reach new students and to let them know of the awesome organizations on campus, like SEA. It will take place Saturday, April 12, 8-11:15, in the RAC. If you can, please come and help us table.
Outreach Tabling: OCSS (Off-Campus Student Services) is hosting an event with the theme of Sustainability on Friday, April 18th, during free hour (12-1) in Lower Flat Tuesday's. This event is aimed at high school seniors who are prospective students. SEA is going to have a table.
For many of these high schoolers, these will be the first people at UMBC they meet, and we can really make a good impression. We would love it if you could come and talk to these students about environmental awareness and SEA. I am told there will be a free lunch. Let us know if you'd like to be there!
Fundraising Bake Sale: Our first bake sale went pretty well. We raised $29 (pretty decent considering that a lot of our muffins blew away!). We will be having a second bake sale (again, to fundraise for EcoFest), this Tuesday, April 15, 11-1, in the Breezeway. We would love your help! This can be in the form of providing baked goods to sell and/or by manning the bake sale during free hour on Tuesday. We will also be having a baking party on Sunday night, for anyone that would like to join us in making baked goods for the sale. Reply to this email if you would like more details.
Stormwater Stenciling: I have made a poll on myumbc (in
our group) about this. Please go fill this out if you are interested in
participating in this event! We would like to have around 8 people
participate. It sounds like it will be a fun and easy project.
Here is the link to the poll:
Here is the link to the poll:
EcoFest: Go to this link for up to date information. It is an awesome site (thanks to Patrick)!
Monday, April 21: Showing TED talks and The Lorax (TV version) in the Sportszone 7-10 pm. with a DIY popcorn station. We will also have discussions of the TED talks.
Tuesday, April 22: DIY Crafts, Commons Terrace 11-2, making planters, buttons, reusable bags, etc.
Wednesday, April 23: The Big EcoFest festival on the Quad, 10-2 (I previously said 11-2, which was incorrect)
Please contact on-campus orgs that you are affiliated with about going to celebrate with us!
**Orgs we discussed
contacting: Steel drum band, Crew/CrU (spelling?), NSCS, JSU,
Intervarsity, Catholic Retrievers, Lutheran Campus Ministries, Musical
Theatre Club, Samaritan Women**
Thursday, April 24: CERA hike, 6 p.m., meet at Commons Loop
Disney Movie Night!, in Erickson (for SEA and friends! more details TBA)
Cowboy Indian Alliance Rally: This is another huge protest/rally in Washington D.C. on Saturday, April 26th, to protest the Keystone XL Pipeline. If you want more details, contact Christy Yao at or talk to her at Monday's meeting!
We hope to see you all Monday! Make sure to come Monday of all days! And remember to fill out the googledoc and the myumbc poll!
~ Kirsten
Meetings are every Monday during free hour in Commons 329 or 331 and end at 12:45 - 12:50. Officer Meetings are open to all, and are at 8pm on Tuesday
on the couches by Commonvision. If you'd like to send something to the
group, send it as a reply to this email and I will distribute it. (myumbc group)

Posted: April 11, 2014, 7:43 AM