A vote for Retriever Treasure in Prove It! can save you $$$
One Retriever's trash is another Retriever's Treasure!
Vote here for a thrift store from rescued items!
SGA's Prove It! competition features many student groups looking to create real change on campus. This week, UMBC students vote for the grant proposals they like the most. The two winning ideas will receive $10,000 to implement their programs on campus.
One of the campaigns that students can vote for is Retriever Treasure.
During the move-out period every May, UMBC deals with a significantly larger trash load than average. Much of this extra waste is from residential students cleaning out their rooms. A lot of what students discard isn't trash; materials in good or nearly perfect condition end up being tossed because students cannot bring them home. Come fall semester, students need to buy many of the same things again at full price.
What a waste to throw out materials like bookshelves, coat hangers, garbage bins, and printers! How can UMBC students stop this destructive cycle of waste?
We think Retriever Treasure is the answer!
A group of students from SEA (Students for Environmental Awareness) is working to set up a student-run system of collections to save students' unwanted but usable materials.
The campaign strives to eliminate excess waste while saving students money through a few steps:
1. STUDENTS DONATE: A collections drive will be set up near residence halls and dumpsters during the move-out period in May. This would allow students to donate their gently used, unwanted items.
2. STORAGE: The Retriever Treasure team will rent trucks and storage space to store the collected items over the summer.
3. THRIFT STORE!: Come fall semester, Retriever Treasure will bring the items back to campus during the move-in period to have a yard sale. There, students would be able to buy items that other students/faculty donated at a fraction of the prices found at commercial stores!
The proceeds of the sale go back to the UMBC community by sustaining this program year after year. And additional funds will be put towards a revolving fund for students looking to start their own initiatives to make campus a better place.
You can make Retriever Treasure a reality! Vote for this campaign this week, Monday March 24 through Friday March 28 in the myUMBC Prove It! poll.
***EDIT: Vote for us HERE: http://my.umbc.edu/discussions/11313
If you have any questions or want to get involved, feel free to email Nisha Naik (nnaik1@umbc.edu).
Posted: March 21, 2014, 10:43 PM