Bike Share to launch tomorrow at Noon, with RAC re-opening
Victory for SGA, campus sustainability, the RAC & the Hub
The bikeshare will be launching tomorrow at the RAC, an opening celebration will take place at noon.
The retriever weekly reported: "Alongside SGA President, Jeffrey Kee, senior information systems major, [David] Murray is working on putting into action a "Bikeshare" program that should be in use within the next couple of weeks. It will allow students to use bicycles for free from the RAC and take them to Arbutus, Catonsville, or wherever else they may want to go. Murray has also been looking into possibly expanding the bus routes available for UMBC students." -
UMBC Athletics has announced: "You are cordially invited to join us this Friday, October 25th, at noon, for a tour of the newly renovated UMBC Fitness & Wellness Weight Room in the RAC. Not only are we re-opening the weight room, we've added 15 new cardio equipment pieces to the RAC cardio balcony, and a new SGA/Recreation sponsored bike/ride share truss area.
The festivities will include giveaways (water bottles, pedometers, drawstring gym backpacks, and kotex products), along with some cool demonstrations.
I hope you'll join us for the Grand Re-Opening of these areas!"
Congratulations to all those who have worked towards this goal in the past few years- including the Climate Change Task Force Transportation Committee, and the UMBC SGA Department of Environmental Affairs and the Catonsville Hub!
Learn more about bicycling and other sustainable transportation options here:
- With bike racks, bike lockers, and even bike racks on the UMBC Transit buses, we have array of options to stay active on two wheels!
- Bicycles should be parked at racks and registered with the campus police.
- The UMBC Cycling club organizes road rides and mountain biking rides, long and short, near and far.
- Patapsco State Park, and the nearby Gwynn’s Falls Trail and Jones Falls Trail in Baltimore also offers scenic and safe routes to access the city. Learn more about biking in Maryland.
Posted: October 24, 2013, 12:19 PM