Sustainable Events Today! Bikes, Food, Sustainability!
Lectures, Rides, Fundraiser, Meditation, Drum Circle & more!
11 AM to 1pm, Commons Breezeway
PowerShift Bake Sale Fundraiser
Students for Environmental Awareness are raising funds to attend a youth climate and social change/ social justice conference: PowerShift
Noon to 1:30pm, AOK Library Gallery
Empowering Students to Transform the Food System
Anim Steele, founder and Director of the Real Food Challenge will speak about students leading change toward an ecological, humane and just food system.
2pm to 3pm, Technology
Research Center
Lecture by Dr. Richard Feiock of Florida State University
"The Influence of City Government Structure and Collaboration Networks on
Adoption of Sustainability Programs"
12pm, Environmental Task
Force (community service student org) hike- meet at Math/Psych Building in front of room 104 then walk the
CERA trail- Conservation and Environmental Research Area
Environmental Task Force meeting will be taking place outside today. We will
meet in front of MP 104 at 12pm and then head out to explore the CERA trail
around 12:05pm! We will possibly be working on the CERA trail next semester so
here's a great chance to check it out beforehand.
6pm, Room 105, Public Policy Building
UMBC Outdoor Recreation Club Weekly meeting
The Outdoor Rec club meets weekly at 6PM in the Public Policy Building Lecture Hall (room PUP105) to plan hiking and camping trips.
6pm, Meet in front of AOK Library and Gallery
Join UMBC Cycling for a casual ride around campus and the surrounding neighborhoods. This is a social ride with a relaxed pace and plenty of rest.
BONUS EVENTS! We're also excited about....
Noon to 1pm, UC Terrace (the steps in front of the University Center by Starbucks, on Academic Row)
The Return of the UMBC Drum Circle!
Drummers and dancers are welcome every Friday by the UC for an improvisational jam. Bring a drum or drum-esque object and join us!
1pm, Womens Center (Commons 004)
Peace@UMBC Meditation Launches October 4th!
Weekly Meditation Hour for Faculty, Staff, and Students
Peace@UMBC is a weekly meditation hour open to faculty, students, and staff who want to cultivate greater peace in their lives and relationships through the development of a meditation practice.
3pm, Commons Room 331
UMBC Vegetarians First Meeting of the Semester
Join UMBC Vegetarians for our first meeting of the semester! Everyone is welcome to come learn about our exciting plans for the upcoming year. We will be meeting on the third floor of The Commons Room 331.
Stay well and enjoy all that UMBC has to offer!
Posted: October 4, 2013, 9:52 AM