Celebrate World Car Free Day
Learn about Transit Services with a Tour!
Celebrate World Car Free Day with OCSS!
Every year on or around September 22nd people around the world get out of their cars and onto the streets to celebrate World Car Free Day which is aimed at showcasing what the world would look like without private vehicles.Beginning in 2009 Washington D.C. introduced car free days with special events in light of World Car Free Day. These events have included activities or services such as free bike repair and yoga classes. This year in Washington D.C., events will take place all weekend (September 20-22) and will include “Red Bull Flugtag”, a live performance by Steely Dan, prizes, and more.
From UMBC it is easy to reach D.C. without a car. Hop on UMBC’s BWI or Halethorpe shuttle lines to connect to the Marc train. From the Halethorpe or BWI Marc stations, take the Penn Line to D.C.’s Union Station and ride any D.C. metro line from this central hub.
Don’t have time to make it to D.C.? Don’t fret—you can still celebrate with OCSS on September 20th when we host a Transit shuttle tour from 1:00pm-1:51pm. Meet OCSS in the “Commuter Lounge” next to the bookstore at 1:00pm. We’ll hop on the 1:30pm Halethorpe shuttle at the Park Rd./Commons Dr. bus shelter and return to the same location at 1:51pm. Boarding Transit shuttles is always free for the UMBC campus community—just bring your red UMBC ID.
For one day, leave your car at home and try riding your bike, walking, or taking public
AUTHOR: Karly Trinite, Sustainability Outreach Intern @ OCSS
For more info about D.C. events: http://www.carfreemetrodc.com/car-free-day-events.php
For more info about the OCSS shuttle tour on Sept. 20th: http://my.umbc.edu/groups/casualcarpooling/events/19877
For more info about Transit Services: www.umbc.edu/transit
Posted: September 13, 2013, 12:17 PM