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New STARS Website Enhancements Released

Last week, AASHE launched several new features on the STARS website to make STARS data more accessible, promote benchmarking among institutions, and improve functionality within the STARS Reporting Tool. Many new features are available to AASHE members and STARS Participants, while a number of them will enhance usability for the general public as well. We hope these new enhancements will lead to an improved user experience!

Data Display Excel Exports
In response to member and participant feedback, AASHE members and STARS Participants can now access an Excel Export function within the STARS Score Display and Content Display for easier data manipulation. Previously, website users that were interested in obtaining and analyzing STARS score or content data would have to copy and paste to create datasets. However, this work-around required significant formatting and was not optimal in some web browsers. The export function now creates the desired dataset with no extra formatting required.

Score Display Screenshot

Unique URLs
All STARS data displays now include unique URLs reflecting the filters used and the type of score and content data requested. This new function allows for greater capability of sharing filtered lists of data with much less work involved. For example, an individual from an AASHE member institution can use the STARS Content Display to create a list of GHG emissions inventories for ACUPCC signatory institutions. The URL for this list can be bookmarked for later reference or shared with colleagues, researchers, and anyone else interested in accessing the data.

Institution Type Filter
In the STARS data displays and the Institutional Boundary section of the Reporting Tool, the Organization Type filter has been updated to reflect Carnegie Basic Type designations. Instead of identifying institutions as either 2-year or 4-year schools, the changes will provide greater detail, designating institutions as Associate, Baccalaureate, Master, Doctorate, Special Focus, or Tribal. This greater level of detail will allow for better benchmarking among higher education institutions and opportunities for learning about how institution type impacts sustainability performance.

Rated Institutions List and Public Reports
The interface for publicly available STARS Rated Institutions has been upgraded to better highlight those institutions that have submitted more than one report. For institutions with multiple reports, clicking on that institution name will direct website users to a STARS profile page that displays all reports for that institution (see below). In addition, geographic location is now listed under every STARS report.

STARS Profile Page

Other Website Enhancements
In addition to the enhancements described below, the following have also been included in this feature release:

  • The STARS Reporting Tool now accepts international characters and phone number formats, allowing for enhanced usability among international constituents.
  • Improved documentation in the Campus Sustainability Data Collector will make the process of sharing sustainability data with other organizations more efficient and easier to understand.
  • General performance improvements on the STARS website will allow for quicker response times.

A Look Ahead
AASHE is constantly working to identify new IT improvements to continuously improve STARS. Along with regular scheduled releases, several exciting new features will be introduced with the launch of STARS 2.0 expected later this year. One upcoming feature includes an online version of the STARS Technical Manual that will allow for comparability between STARS versions and will provide additional resources for STARS reporting not currently included in the PDF technical manual. Another feature to expect in the coming months is the introduction of a new NCAA conference filter in STARS data displays.

We are always looking for input and ideas on improving STARS through technological enhancements. To submit feedback on website usability, ideas for future releases, or any other STARS-related questions or issues, please email stars@aashe.org.

A Note about Accessibility:
Current AASHE Members and STARS Participants enjoy enhanced access to certain STARS data displays. (Learn about levels of access here.) To gain enhanced access or to learn about other benefits, please inquire about AASHE membership or STARS participation.


Posted: May 1, 2013, 8:58 PM