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Introducing Retriever Air - Flight Emissions GHG Cacluator

As part of its commitment to promoting sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint, the Office of Sustainability at UMBC is proud to release the Retriever Air GHG Calculator. This new tool is designed to help members of the UMBC community better understand the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with air travel.

The calculator is designed to be user-friendly and customizable, allowing users to input data specific to their trip. This includes information such as the departure and destination cities, the distance traveled, and the number of passengers. The calculator also includes various emission factors to ensure that the calculations are as accurate as possible.

Once the user inputs their data, the calculator generates a report outlining the GHG emissions associated with the trip. This report also compares the trip's emissions to UMBC's overall emissions. This information can help members of the UMBC community make more informed decisions about their travel and consider ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

The Retriever Air GHG Calculator is an important tool for promoting sustainability and reducing the impact of air travel on the environment. Air travel is a significant source of GHG emissions, and it is important for individuals and organizations to take responsibility for their impact. By using this calculator, members of the UMBC community can better understand the emissions associated with their travel and consider ways to reduce their impact.

In addition to the environmental benefits, there may be financial benefits to reducing air travel emissions. For example, reducing air travel can lower travel expenses and help organizations redirect those savings to other important initiatives.

Overall, the Retriever Air GHG Calculator is an important tool for promoting sustainability and reducing the impact of air travel. By using this tool, members of the UMBC community can make more informed decisions about their travel and take steps to reduce their carbon footprint.

Posted: April 17, 2023, 10:06 AM