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Grad Student Research Survey Request

Waste Management Faculty and Staff Survey

Help UMBC GES Grad Student:  Mackenzie Bodman!

Mackenzie's thesis project is on waste, climate change and environmental justice. Mackenzie is sending out a survey to see how faculty and staff understand the connection between these very important issues. The student focused survey sent out last semeste recieved a little over 400 responses!!! 

Please take 10 mins to help Mackenzie with their research!  The link is here: https://umbc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3lTELZ7OEv7gxj8

This is for faculty and staff who work on UMBC's main campus The survey will close , in approximately one week, on March 6th.

Posted: February 27, 2023, 3:50 PM