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Fair Trade @ UMBC

October is also Fair Trade Month!

Join the Office of Sustainability and Chartwell's in celebrating Fair Trade Month!  UMBC is a proud member of Fair Trade USA's Fair Trade Campaign! 

Learn More

Visit the Office of Sustainability and Chartwells on Monday 10/24 at the Fall into Sustainability Fair to learn more about UMBC and Fair Trade! 

What is Fair Trade?

Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers – especially in the South.

Fair Trade Organizations, backed by consumers, are engaged actively in supporting producers, awareness raising and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade.

You can find fair trade products across a plethora of categories. From seafood, to produce, to home decor, clothing, and more, there are very few items you can't find with the Fair Trade Certified seal. Even with thousands of products, fair trade coffee and chocaltes are two of the most recognizable and impactful fair trade goods. 


Fair Trade Campaigns is a powerful grassroots movement mobilizing thousands of conscious consumers and Fair Trade advocates on campuses and communities across the USA.

We are part of a global effort to normalize Fair Trade as an institutional practice and consumer preference across 30 countries and on six continents.

How it works

Fair Trade Campaigns recognizes towns, colleges, universities, schools and congregations in the US for embedding Fair Trade practices and principles into policy, as well as the social and intellectual foundations of their communities.

We provide tools, resources and support events to launch and grow local Fair Trade Campaigns in your town, university, school or congregation.

Their Mission

Grow a nationwide community of passionate, lifelong Fair Trade advocates. Their commitment will inspire others to support the Fair Trade movement in its efforts to seek equity in trade and create opportunities for economically and socially marginalized producers. Fair Trade Towns, Colleges, Universities and other communities embed Fair Trade values and purchases into mainstream business and institutional practices.

Posted: October 11, 2022, 8:12 AM