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Be a Green Retriever!

Sign up for our Residential Compost Program!

We are excited to announce, that we have partnered with the Student Government Association, Residential Student Association, and UMBC Dining to provide a composting drop-off location for residential students. This will allow students living on campus to collect compost in their residences.

Upon signing up, students will receive a 2.6-gallon bucket, compostable bags, and a 1-page information sheet on composting for their dorm or apartment for the remainder of the school year. Students will be required to empty their organic waste once a week at the designated location at True Grits or The Commons.

We are holding an info session on September 1st for students who would like more information. At this time, only students living on campus (in residence halls or the Walker Ave apartments) are eligible to participate. However, the program is limited to 80 participants. 

If you already know you'd like to sign up, fill out the form here and we'll be in touch!

Posted: August 5, 2022, 8:52 AM