Green Retriever Residential Composting Program
Last Call to sign up!
The Fall 2021 sign ups for the Green Retriever Residential Composting Program are closing on Monday, November 1. All sign ups, roommate agreements and pick ups of the composting materials must occur no later than 1.00 PM on Monday Nov. 1. Anyone who signs up after that will be placed on the Spring '22 list.
The Green Retriever Residential Composting Program is a collaboration between the UMBC Sustainability Office, the Student Government Association, Residential Student Association, and UMBC Dining to provide a composting drop off location for residential students. This will allow students living on campus to collect organic waste in their residence to be composted.
Upon signing up, students will receive a composting kit, which includes:
- 2.6 Gallon Collection Bin
- Compostable bags
- 1 Page Information Sheet
Students will be required to empty their organic waste once a week at the designated drop-off locations at True Grits (D-Hall) or The Commons.
This pilot program is only available to the first 80 students who sign-up and complete the required training. Only one bin will be available per apartment or dorm, if more than one person within a dorm or apartment is interested in participating please make sure only one person submits an application.
Who can participate?
Any student living on-campus in the residential halls, apartments, and Walker Avenue Apartments, who is willing to go through proper training to participate in composting.
How to participate?
Go to our Green Retrievers webpage to review the steps for participating and to sign-up!
Posted: October 22, 2021, 8:02 AM