Welcome the Brood X Cicadas to Maryland!
Join us in learning more about these interesting insects!
Brood X, a new generation of cicadas, will begin to show up in Maryland in the next few weeks, after a 17-year-long hiatus. They have already begun emerging and will last until June!
This will be one of the largest groups of Cicadas we have ever seen. During their 13-17 year hibernation these cicadas have been feeding off the liquid found on plants and leaves known as sap.
Once they emerge from the ground they will shed their skin and make distinct mating calls. These loud noises are the reason why some people find cicadas annoying. Cicada’s sound levels can get as high as 80 to 100 decibels, which is the volume of a lawnmower or a jet aircraft going by.
During their time above ground they will become a delicacy to many local animals & humans as well. These bugs are highly nutritious and high in protein, and when they die off, their bodies decompose and fertilize the soil. Also, the holes they burrow in the soil can improve rainwater filtration. However, eating raw cicadas could upset your pet’s stomach so make sure to watch out when walking your dog.
Cicadas are harmless to most plants, and using insecticides is not recommended, as it could harm other beneficial insects. Cicadas are a natural and important part of our local ecosystem. UMBC's GES professor, Dr. Dawn Biehler, recently talked with local news stations about the social interactions she has encountered with the impending Brood X cicadas. She recommends that we prepare ourselves by learning a little bit more about these bugs in advance!
To learn more about cicadas, check out the article Dr. Biehler was featured in & the resources below:
- University of Maryland Extension: for information on how cicadas could impact your small bushes & trees
- University of Maryland Cicada Crew: Cicadas FAQs & access to a ton of cicada resources
- Cicada-Licious: Cooking & Enjoying Periodical Cicadas: cicada cookbook
****note: if you have seafood allergies, you should be cautious of eating cicadas and other insects****
Posted: May 11, 2021, 9:24 AM