Happy Earth Day!
Explore sustainable UMBC with our new interactive map!
Happy Earth Day Retrievers! Thank you all so much for hosting and joining us for events to celebrate this year's Earth Month.
Today on Earth Day we are excited to announce our new interactive sustainability map! We invite the whole UMBC community to explore what makes UMBC sustainable, so you know what to look out for next when you are on campus.
Some of the coolest features include:
- Interactive sustainability maps
- A personal GHG calculator
- Virtual Green building tours
- Sustainability Data Dashboard
- Highlights of your sustainability research
Please visit https://bit.ly/exploreUMBC today!
Also there are a ton of events still going on today, so you can celebrate in community!
UMBC’s 5th Annual Earth Day Symposium
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Discover local earth science research by viewing recorded talks & live Q&A with speakers!
Chartwells & UHS Virtual Teaching Kitchen
12:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Join OHP and the Campus Dietitian for a virtual Teaching Kitchen featuring a smoothie bar using vegetable scraps from the dining hall.
Baltimore’s First Annual Zero-Waste Day
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Join residents, students and officials to advance Baltimore to a Zero Waste system that benefits communities, labor and our environment. Mayor Scott will be the keynote speaker at this event!
UMBC Greenpeace Documentary Night
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Join UMBC Greenpeace and watch the 2021 Seaspiracy documentary on Netflix which discusses the environmental impacts of fishing.
Posted: April 22, 2021, 9:18 AM