REPOST: Climate Change Distress & Response Discussion Space
Cross-promotion from this original event link. The Office of Sustainability is excited to be a co-sponsor of this event!
Come join the Office of Sustainability and the Counseling Center for a discussion, holding, and processing space regarding climate change distress and response.
The event will be held on WebEx on Tuesday, April 20th from 5pm-6:15pm. Hosted by Dr. Sunny Swift (he/him/they/them) and Kayla Hickman (she/her/hers), this event intends to hold space about climate change from a mental health perspective. Topics include managing using coping skills as well as empowerment strategies such as activism.
For any questions, you can email Sunny at or Kayla at
Password will be posted on the day of the event in the comments section (on the original event post) or emailed when RSVP’d
Posted: April 12, 2021, 8:57 AM