UMBC Sustainability Awarded $4,000 Clean Up Green Up Grant
Plastic Film Collection Expanding on Campus
UMBC's Office of Sustainability and Facilities Management were awarded a $4,000 grant, through the Keep Maryland Beautiful Clean Up Green Up Grant, by the Forever Maryland Foundation. The grant will fund expansion of plastic films recycling on campus through expanding collection infrastructure and bolstering community education and engagement.
This award will allow UMBC to build upon the success of the 2019-2020 Trex Plastic Free challenge in which the university collected and diverted over 500 lbs of plastic films from the landfill. Specifically, this award assists UMBC's achievement of: 1) enhancement of communication/engagement efforts related to plastic film waste and 2) expansion of UMBC’s plastic film diversion program and efforts to over 30 collection points for plastic films. This project, has the potential to divert over 900 lbs of plastic films per month!

Posted: March 29, 2021, 8:43 AM