What UMBC is Doing

44.02% Reduction in GHG Emissions from 2007 – 2020

397 Tons of Organic Waste Composted since 2016

26.18 Million kWh of Renewable Energy used in 2020

Over 20 sustainability web tools to explore campus features, review green data, and measure your own impact

UMBC has a history of working to implement sustainable practices on campus while also researching sustainable opportunities in the classroom. These actions create and demonstrate positive social, economic, and environmental impacts both locally and globally. 

Ratings & Recognition


second nature marks of distinction

2021 MDE Sustainability Leadership Award Winner

Times Higher Education Impact Rankings Logo

Featured News

UMBC Beyond the Bag Dashboard

Help UMBC go #beyondthebag! Monitor our progress with the new interactive dashboard: https://sustainability.umbc.edu/waste/plastic-bag-collection/ UMBC is participating in the NexTrex...

Posted: November 19, 2019, 11:27 AM

New Application Provides Green Building Virtual Tours

Explore UMBC's Green Buildings Unique Sustainable Features

UMBC is home to several green buildings, but many wonder "what makes this a green building?" Our new interactive virtual tour allows you to explore the green buildings on campus and go behind the...

Posted: November 18, 2019, 9:13 AM

Celebrate America Recycles Day!

Help UMBC go #BeyondtheBag

You’re invited to join us in celebrating America Recycles Day! America Recycles Day is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to promote recycling. Help UMBC go #beyondthebag starting...

Posted: November 14, 2019, 1:35 PM