
Scope 1 Emissions are from sources that UMBC has direct control over and include:

  • Heating
    • Natural Gas is used primarily to heat campus (additional activities included:  natural gas used for cooking and laboratory use, and heating oil)
  • Fleet
    • Gasoline and Diesel used by UMBC Fleet Vehicles
  • HVAC
    • Refrigerants
  • Fertilizer
    • Nitrogen fertilizers

Scope 2 Emissions include emissions associated with the generation of electricity and delivered by the electrical grid

  • Purchased Electricity

Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions that occur because of UMBC’s operations that are from sources not owned or controlled by the university. Data for Scope 3 emissions is often difficult to obtain, so quantifying Scope 3 emissions is not as straightforward as it can be for Scopes 1 and 2. Scope 3 Emissions include:

  • Commuting to and from campus for class or work
    • Derived from the geospatial analysis of campus demographic data
  • UMBC sponsored air travel
    • Tracked by the university and calculated with geospatial analysis
  • Waste generated from operations
    • Based on the tons of waste landfilled, recycled, or composted
  • Transportation and distribution losses from the electric grid
    • Calculated by an emission factor

Have you ever been curious about where UMBC Retrievers trek across the globe?

UMBC’s Fiscal Year 2022 Air Travel





Learn How UMBC Reduces Emissions