OCA Mocha Virtual Kids Club
Join in for some DIY Earth Day crafts!
OCA Mocha may be closed but Kids Club is still on!
Our office has teamed up with OCA Mocha for an earth day themed kids club! Join us this Saturday, April 11th for a VIRTUAL Kids Club event. We will be presenting 4 DIY crafts for everyone to do with recyclable materials that you can find right at home!
Below are the common household items we will be upcycling with for the crafts:
- Egg cartons
- Milk/Juice cartons
- Toilet paper rolls
Full tutorial videos and print out instructions for the crafts will be posted on Saturday, April 11th at 2 PM.
Follow the OCA Mocha kids club Facebook page for updates on full material lists and the posted tutorials. Use the #OCAMochaKidsClub when posting photos of your finished crafts, and we will feature you and your children's artwork on our Instagram and Twitter!
Posted: April 9, 2020, 2:47 PM