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Carpool Benefits: parking & rideshare program makes it easy

UMBC Parking services has updated their carpooling program! 

Learn about the new Carpool Parking Permit! You can claim a reserved carpooling parking space: visit the UMBC Sustainable Transportation site to register. 

Find someone to carpool with- plug in your commute, your schedule, and your location to match up with someone else from your neighborhood or commute route to share a ride with UMBC's carpooling program, Zimride: https://www.zimride.com/umbc/ 

Register your carpool in order to claim a reserved carpooling parking space in Lot 4. Spaces are reserved until 10:30 am. 

Fill out the carpooling registration form from the Parking Services site and return to the Parking Services Office Monday – Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM or via email: parking@umbc.edu

Once approved, catch up with friends as you drive stress free to the carpool devoted spaces in Lot 4 each morning (before 10:30 AM).

This semester you can save money, snag reserved parking spaces, reduce emissions, save gas, and make new friends by carpooling!  

Posted: January 22, 2019, 12:29 PM