Turn Down Tuesday
UMBC’s Eco-Ambassadors welcome you back to campus and the spring semester! We will continue our "Turn Down Tuesdays" series this semester with energy saving fun facts and tips!
As the semester’s workload begins to take off, we probably find ourselves using our computers more often. Set your computer to automatically go to sleep after 10-15 minutes to save energy.
According to energy expert Michael Bluejay, an average laptop uses 15-60 watts during normal use, but uses only 0-6 watts in sleep mode and 0 watts in hibernate. That may not seem like a lot of savings, but imagine if everyone did this…it would add up!
Also, skip the screen saver – instead of saving energy, it consumes energy. Setting your computer to sleep will still allow you to start up quickly where you left off.
Posted: February 17, 2015, 10:22 AM