Take a Survey & Win Some UMBC Sustainability Matters Swag!
Dear UMBC Community,
UMBC's Office of Sustainability engages with the campus community in numerous ways to help inform our work to promote sustainability within our interconnected environment, society, and economy. One way we engage is through surveys, which help us to develop benchmarks for various initiatives and to inform ongoing and new projects.
The following survey assesses specific knowledge, beliefs, and practices of UMBC students, faculty, and staff. The input you provide will help the Office of Sustainability to create programs, services, and procedures allowing us to better serve you and your fellow Retrievers.
Those who participate in the survey have the option to enter into a drawing for a UMBC Sustainability Matters reusable water bottle and sticker! We will randomly select five students, one faculty member, and one staff member at the end of the survey. Winners will be notified via email.
UMBC's Office of Sustainability engages with the campus community in numerous ways to help inform our work to promote sustainability within our interconnected environment, society, and economy. One way we engage is through surveys, which help us to develop benchmarks for various initiatives and to inform ongoing and new projects.
The following survey assesses specific knowledge, beliefs, and practices of UMBC students, faculty, and staff. The input you provide will help the Office of Sustainability to create programs, services, and procedures allowing us to better serve you and your fellow Retrievers.
Those who participate in the survey have the option to enter into a drawing for a UMBC Sustainability Matters reusable water bottle and sticker! We will randomly select five students, one faculty member, and one staff member at the end of the survey. Winners will be notified via email.
The survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete. We need all responses by 11:59 PM on Friday, September 17, 2021.
About the survey
This survey is entirely voluntary. You do not have to participate if you do not want to and you may withdraw from the survey at any time with no penalty to you. You have the right to leave blank any question you do not wish to answer and/or feel uncomfortable
The survey is comprised of three (3) sections: sustainability literacy assessment, sustainability cultural assessment, and demographics.
The Sustainability Literacy Section is more like a quiz than a survey. Each question is multiple-choice, and for each question, there is one answer that is more correct than the others. This section is NOT designed to test your intelligence or assess your general knowledge. By answering each question honestly and to the best of your ability, UMBC's Office of Sustainability will have a better understanding of how much our students, faculty, and staff know about the topic of sustainability.
The Sustainability Cultural Assessment is to provide the Office of Sustainability with a snapshot of the current opinions and beliefs about various sustainability topics on campus. There are no right or wrong answers. We are simply interested in your thoughts and opinions.
Posted: September 7, 2021, 1:05 PM